Meet Miles McGuire

What a treat it was for me to sit down and chat with Miles McGuire today. It’s the second day of his ten week songwriting internship at the Harrison Center, and all I can think is that I can’t wait to see what he will accomplish here this Summer. His quiet enthusiasm and positivity are uplifting, even in a relatively brief conversation!

Miles is a native of Indianapolis who attended the Oaks Academy and Herron High School.  Now going into his senior year at Ball State University, he is studying Music Media Production and is proficient in audio engineering. His goal is to use his expertise to enhance his future work in Music and Worship. 

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An accomplished musician, Miles plays guitar, piano and drums depending on what the musical task calls for. His goal for this internship, in his words,  is to “exercise his songwriting muscle” so as to enhance his ability to “act on artistic inspiration”. At the same time he seeks to “help the Harrison Center to connect with listeners by creating art that represents and celebrates our community.”

Miles already knows without a doubt how beneficial his internship will be, and his attitude is an example of the place that courage and risk-taking plays in the creative process. “ Stepping into new opportunities like this feels uncomfortable to me, but I know that it’s a step in growth.” 

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If you have the opportunity to welcome this inspiring young man, you’ll be doing yourself a favor! We’re so glad you’re here, Miles! 

Lorie Lee Andrews