Introducing, Josh Wright!
Josh Wright is a 17 year old Herron High school student originally from Philadelphia and is a summer intern at the Harrison Center. Josh is an upcoming junior at Herron and after high school, Josh plans on going to Villanova or Temple University and studying to be a chemist. Josh’s hobbies are traveling to new places and reading criminal genre books. He also likes playing ping pong, basketball, and doing science experiments.
Josh heard about the Harrison Center from his classmates who told him that he would like it there. So, he took it upon himself to learn more about it and eventually work here. He has joined the team of creative placemaking interns working around the neighborhood. Josh says that he likes how the Harrison Center is always doing something interactive with or for the community.
Josh plans on using the Harrison Center as a way to get closer with the community because he is a community man. One day he plans on doing a book drive for the community so that the kids that don’t have any books can read!