Out of Context


The Harrison Center welcomes Pamela Watson to present her most recent work, “Out of Context,” a series of photo realistic animal graphite drawings. Pamela is a representational artist who works in a variety of media. She is most known for her paintings of animals and humans within the context of a landscape. The subjects she chooses to depict express her affection for the Southwest. Pamela received her MFA in Painting from Kendall College of Art and Design in 2016.

“Out of Context” is a collection of drawings completed during the pandemic of 2020. The drawings each represent a prayer/meditation on various issues that have surfaced in the past 10 months. The meditative practice of drawing was a vital way of coping with the overwhelming amounts of anxiety she has felt. By choosing to work in a detailed representational style in graphite she slowed her normal creative process down. The slower pace fit the need to fill long hours alone in her apartment. The time spent praying through these drawings gave her a purpose.


Her piece, “Bully,” is a prayer/meditation on the amount of bullying going on at all levels of society. She was feeling overwhelmed by the amount of personal attacks she witnessed on various social media platforms. The process of drawing helped her to deal with her anxiety. The bull is both a literal link to the term bullying and a metaphor for the powerful way words can be used against others. The detailed style of drawing allowed her to slow her thoughts down to manageable levels. 


“Behind the Bars,” is a prayer/meditation for the children taken away from their families and placed in detention facilities. Her life in Colorado put her in contact with people seeking asylum from horrendous situations. She knows the hope they have for finding a safe haven in the United States and she continues to weep for the pain these families feel. Drawing the lambs in the cage gave her a way to work through a bit of her frustration and anger. 

“Out of Context” is on exhibit in Hank & Dolly’s gallery through the end of January. Make an appointment to view the gallery or view it virtually on our website. All pieces are available for purchase.

Erika Blue