Meet Emanuel

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Video and music have become vital tools for helping us all tell our stories. That is why we offer video and music internships in special facilities to support this work. The Sound Cave is where music interns write and record, and the Video Cave is where the careful craft of editing visuals and merging sight with sound is practiced. We are always excited to welcome a new intern, but our latest is extra special as it is a sort of homecoming.

Our newest Video Cave intern, Emmanuel Koutsouras, used to run around the Harrison Center as a child, when his father, Christos Koutsouras, had a studio here. Emanuel spent his early childhood in Indianapolis before moving to Chicago. From there he came back to Indiana to attend Culver Military Academy where his life was tuned to bugle calls, marches, and drills. Now, Emmanuel is a freshly minted graduate of DePauw University and describes himself as having a strongly visual mind and deep love for narrative. He prefers to approach projects as problems to be solved and looks forward to his internship as an opportunity to develop his skills with cameras, drones, and editing software. All this should be easy for a young man from an artistic family who grew up firing a cannon every day before breakfast.

Kipp Normand