Welcome Helen Hauser

Hello! My name is Helen Hauser and I am currently a senior at Herron High School. I was introduced to the Harrison Center through my school's internship program after moving to the Herron Morton neighborhood following my sophomore year. Through that, I've had the privilege of interning there this entire school year! I’m thankful that the Harrison Center has provided me with the opportunity to help out at First Fridays, develop professional relationships, and engage with the community around me.

I've grown up around art my whole life: taking classes at the Indianapolis Art Center, participating in art fairs, and dragging my parents into any art supply store we passed during the weekend errands. Throughout my high school years, I've enjoyed my involvement in Girls Inc. and my school's National Honors Society to further expand my reach in the community. Most of my weeknights and weekends are spent in the Indianapolis School of Ballet studios, where I train in ballet and modern dance five days out of the week. The mental agility, self-discipline, and mind-body awareness I've matured into throughout my practice are principles I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I also have a love for helping people as I've taken up the hobby of sewing during the COVID-19 pandemic to create masks for those in need. I started out with friends and family before extending my services to the needs of the maternity ward patients at Community Health Network.

Looking into my collegiate future, I'm planning on majoring in architecture with a focus on urban development in order to be equipped with the tools to give back to my community in a sustainable and progressive manner. This past year, it has been truly inspiring to work in an environment full of creatively gifted minds and others that care wholeheartedly for our beautiful city and its people.

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