Meet Addy Bartley

Hello! My name is Addy Bartley, and I’m a senior at Herron High School. Like many other Herron students, The Harrison Center has been a part of my routine throughout my high school career. Whether it’s summer gym academy or Dance History & Appreciation, The Harrison Center has always welcomed students with open arms. And now, it welcomes me as an intern! Though a bit late to the game, I’m determined to make my last semester of high school make a lasting impression on my community through the work we do here. 

Raised by parents who are frequent participants in community theatre, my older brother and I spent most of our childhood running amuck through local theaters and tech week rehearsals. This fostered a deep love of the dramatic arts within me for as long as I can remember, and I’ve been dancing and performing for over a decade now!

In the future, I intend to pursue my love of writing and literature and continue to try to change my community for the better through my words and my art. I’ve always believed that good books can change the world, and it’s my dream to write something that helps even one person out there. 

The Harrison Center has helped me truly understand how the arts can affect our city. With each new artist who displays their work, they bring more than just canvases or oil paints. They bring their stories, their ambitions, and their own unique perspective. To meet so many people who share a communal love for the arts- to hear them speak, see them work, show their art- has widened my scope beyond what I ever expected. 

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