Nodal Points
Nodal Points, places where systems branch out, or, in sound, the quietest points in a vibrating object. In this show, artists Gabrielle Cerberville, Rob Funkhouser, and William Peacock invite the audience to explore their relationship to sound, how potential sounds might be directed, and how our other senses inform how we interact with what we hear.
Gabrielle Cerberville
fitting neither above nor below
Cerberville is exhibiting a collection of works that both represent and create new sounds in the environment, ranging from small sonic sculptures to a large graphic score spanning some fifteen feet. Her work engages with sounds that reflect her fascination with nature, ranging from the gentle to the awe-inspiring.
Gabrielle Cerberville
New Demon 2/ Old God
Funkhouser invites you to create sounds in increasingly aggressive ways in his progressive sculpture “How to Play”, which features reimagined applications of everyday materials.
Rob Funkhouser
William Peacock asks us to look squarely at the blurry line where musical notation and abstract art meet with a set of graphic scores that can be interpreted by performers to realize pieces of concert music.
William Peacock
See Nodal Points in the Speck Gallery for the month of August, and check out our online gallery