

Hank & Dolly’s Gallery is exhibiting Chris Bowman’s wooden sculptures for the month of April. Bowman has a background in functional and nonfunctional woodworking and furniture making and crafted this work from baltic birch, mahogany, and milk paint.

Bowman is a cyclist, often spending time in the country and feeling inspired by the rural architecture or the patterns from farm fields and crops he encounters. He even finds new materials on his rides to repurpose into artwork. Bowman primarily makes sculptures in the form of houses or barns as well as circles. The house forms are a symbol of dwelling that Bowman has always integrated into his work. The title of the show, Encompass, refers to the process of turning that Bowman uses in woodworking, which creates circular grooves that unify his work.


Bowman’s sculptures are a display of simplicity and excellence of craft. “I really like wood that has a story behind it,” Says Bowman. “I mostly use domestic wood and a lot of salvaged wood.” Bowman will often use old doors as woodworking material or flooring that he cuts up. 

Encompass can be viewed anytime during the month of April in the Hank & Dolly’s Gallery during gallery hours: Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Morgan Binkerd