Flora + Terra

William Denton Ray, an illustrator and designer by trade, is turning away from the clean cut nature of advertising art towards a more stylistic scene with prominent swarms of forms that feature natural themes amidst seemingly otherworldly elements. Exhibiting his work within the Annex Gallery throughout the month of June, he’s continuing his evolution of a long-learned craft in his show, “Flora + Terra”. 


Invasive Bloom

Mixed media on canvas

16” x 20”


Far removed from his previous and more exaggerated work for which he is well known, Ray states that “this series started by accident,” being the result of his Nymphaea Series from 2011 which was based around lily pads he saw on a lake. Whereas once his work was filled with a host of creative characters cemented within the context of the low brow movement, he’s begun to truly trek into an area of his own, as he further experiments with color, shape, and motion, to create more fluid and immersive compositions.

With the vast majority of these new works being the result of his painting over previous pieces, he describes his process as “pushing and pulling negative space”. A refined phrase for such a delicate yet challenging task, these distinct depictions serve as investigations into his own abilities as an artist, and are the direct byproducts of his instincts and imagination. 


Floral Artifacts

Mixed media on canvas

30” x 30”


Even still, their expressive nature ensures an emotional reaction out of even the most poised of viewers. Ray, however, states that such was not done intentionally, assuredly making these the most freeing of all of his pieces. For, within his process of “making [his] own flowers,” he has loosened his grip on not just his paintbrush but the entire narrative, letting wonder whirl about the gallery as observers are turned into explores of a truly unknown world.



Mixed Media on Canvas

24 x 30


The show can be viewed anytime in Gallery Annex through July during Gallery Hours: Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. The works can additionally be viewed and purchased on our online gallery.

Caiden Cawthon