Welcome, Mikayla!

Hi everyone! My name is Mikayla Jones, I am a senior at Herron High School currently interning at the Harrison Center for 2022-23.

After high school, I intend to major in Business at an HBCU (Historically Black College or University). Since I’ve been young I’ve always had a love for music and have participated in choir throughout middle school and all of high school. As I am passionate about music, I eventually want to tie in my degree with the music industry or event planning through Entertainment Business or Business Management. Curating my events full of artists and music label executives and festivities one day would be a dream. I’m going to strive to get involved and run homecoming week at my college campus when the time comes.

 I have a growing appreciation for graphic design and videography/photography so majoring/minoring in Marketing or International Business is a very real possibility. I also could take the Real Estate pathway in business. I’ve made myself familiar with the process of flipping and renovating houses and the way the market/sales fluctuate themself through my dad who is a contractor and framer. 

Overall, I have very big ambitions for my future, whether it means being a corporate exec, CEO, manager of marketing/advertising, real estate contractor, event coordinator, or management within a music label, the list could go on. I believe the Harrison Center is a great step forward toward my artistic business goals. I’m currently helping with the betterment of an event, graphically designing posters, and creating website posts. Throughout my time here, I hope to get my hands on a camera and expand my skills more, or even learn more about the production of music and studio work.

Mikayla Jones