PreEnactment Theater
What is PreEnactment Theater?
PreEnactment Theater is a visioning tool that promotes equity, community, and economic development by helping neighbors see what their neighborhood ought to be. This immersive theater experience overtakes neighborhoods for a day— transforming them into vibrant, active, and intentionally designed communities. Every vacant lot/building, existing business, street lane and sidewalk can be part of the stage. Set designers build temporary facades on the vacant lots and spruce up the abandoned buildings. Actors perform an equitable way of living and model a neighborhood that is revitalized, but is also inclusive.
Unique and vibrant communities benefit the whole city. High-performing schools, great transit opportunities, and distinct community gathering spaces and events offer residents a walkable, vibrant community where everyone knows they belong. It’s the type of community everyone desires. Great visual and performance art sets can spur the very best community and economic development. Instead of just imagining what your neighborhood could be, PreEnactment Theater helps neighborhoods live that dream for a day, casting a vision for your community in a tangible format. Actors, artists and designers replace blight and vacancy with active businesses that the neighborhood wants and needs, that are accessible to the whole community! PreEnactment Theater has the potential to spur creative neighborhood development across our country.
You can PreEnact too!
The Harrison Center provides PreEnactment Theater production services and organizes community festivals featuring variety of activities that promote equitable community development.
In fact, we put on PreEnact Indy annually, just down the street from us. See what PreEnactment looks like in our community and how it has positively impacted our changing neighborhood.
To learn more about PreEnactment Theater contact: