13th and Alabama - Englewood Renovation

6 Looking up you see the birds flying through and the clouds drifting by.  You can feel the warmth hitting you as the sun shines through the red stained glass.  And then the cold draft picks up, gives you shivers, and suddenly the heavenly experience fades away.  This building is in decay and disrepair.

Through the efforts of Englewood Development Co., however, the church edifice on 13th St. and Alabama is undergoing a much needed restoration.  Englewood - a development, construction, and operations residential company -  offers affordable multi-family housing communities in both the Midwest and Southwest regions.  Englewood has purchased the building and has begun renovations on this former Friends Church.  They are restoring an important and an historic piece of the fabric of the Old Northside Neighborhood.

Constructed in 1895, the church located at 1249 N. Alabama served as a second location to a former Friends Church.  Inside the red brick building there are Romanesque Revival details including terra cotta insets, wheel windows, round arch and hack arch lintels.  The building has been for sale for sometime and is now getting a proper make-over - roof included.

Englewood is converting the church into apartment rentals.  With construction underway, the project is scheduled for completion in October 2013 with the expectation of new residents moving in then as well.  Many apartments will feature elements from the original building while others will be traditional layouts.  When complete, it will have 24 units, of which 15 are one bedroom and 9 will be two bedroom units.


For more information about Englewood properties or to stay up-to-date with this project visit them online at http://www.englewoodgroup.com/

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