Meet Jannelyn Santos

Hi! My name is Jannelyn Santos and I am a senior at Butler University with a major in Arts & Design and a minor in biology. I was first introduced to the Harrison Center during my sophomore year by my drawing professor. He took the whole class and showed us the artwork, the artists themselves, and their respective studios. Here, I was also introduced to my very first First Friday event. I started my undergraduate career as a biology major, so when I saw all these artists and art lovers all in one place, I was pleasantly overwhelmed. A year later I switched my major and minor to where art was my focus. My grandmother was my greatest motivator and inspiration for this life changing decision. She acknowledged my passion and my talents more than I ever did, and she encouraged me to take the opportunities she wished she had. Another year later I became an intern at the Harrison Center to become a part of a local art community.

Currently my favorite medium is digital art, but I also enjoy photography, colored pencils, and woodwork. I am especially interested in product design whether it’s designing the product itself or the graphics as well as creating content to market and promote it. In addition, I really enjoy the cultural aspect of art too. As a Harrison intern, I was given the opportunity to combine both culture and product design/marketing into one big project aimed at promoting “porching”. I enjoy listening and learning about people’s personal narratives, and it’s even more satisfying for me to help them tell it. My goals as an intern are to learn how to network, build, and be a part of a culturally diverse community through my own artistic practices in collaboration with others. I want to learn how to pair the arts with marketing while contributing to the diverse community at and around the Harrison Center.

Jannelyn Santos