Holy Spirit Flow


For the months of July and August, the Underground Gallery is exhibiting Kristen Whitney’s acrylic paintings. Whitney makes vibrant abstract art rich in movement and color, inspired by Scripture verses, Christian worship songs, and attributes of God. Her show Holy Spirit Flow springs from a focus on divine collaboration, partnering with the Creator to create works that lead the viewer to a deeper or different understanding of God. 

Ever since she was a child, Whitney has had a deep desire for art and creation. Originally pursuing an art degree in college, Whitney switched to graphic design, unsure she could make it as an artist. After years of working as a graphic designer, she still felt called to pursue more physical art, taking the jump to full-time painting. 


Since then, her style has slowly evolved, her abstract paintings featuring flowing, layered patterns juxtaposed with swathes of rich color. Her titles stem from the work and its inspiration, sometimes planned but often emerging naturally during the creative process. She says, “Ultimately, each painting is an interpretation of its title and, when paired together, is meant to awaken the heart of the viewer.” 


Holy Spirit Flow can be viewed anytime in the Underground Gallery through the month of August during Gallery Hours: Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. The works can additionally be viewed and purchased on our online gallery.

Sylvia Eddy