

By using pastel colors, which are both vivid and gentle, Eric Lubrick provides viewers a serene moment to absorb his message in Sender/Receiver. This photographic series employs advanced techniques like high-speed sync, a sound-activated trigger, and layered images to explore the ability of photography to freeze motion. Materials such as liquid nitrogen, a BB gun, flowers, teacups, and radios create intriguing, abstract images. These pieces capture the instant a fast-moving object hits something, prompting reflections on how moments transition from one to the next. Extending beyond freezing single moments, the series combines fragments of time to offer a complex narrative, encouraging viewers to ponder the fluid nature of reality.


Sender/Receiver also examines how technology impacts our social lives and connections. While new technology often appears fun and exciting, promising to make life easier, it can sometimes make genuine connections more challenging. Each technological advancement brings trade-offs, both positive and negative. The exhibition features three series: Floral Radios, Shattered Floral Images, and Shattered Teacups. These still-life photographs juxtapose natural elements like flowers, water, and tea with man-made objects, evoking nostalgia for social interactions before smartphones and the internet. Through these images, "Sender/Receiver" invites viewers to consider the complexities of technological progress and its effects on our relationships and daily lives.


The show can be viewed anytime in the Harrison Gallery throughout July during gallery hours: Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The works are also available for viewing and purchase in our online gallery through August.

Connie Kauffman