Chad Caroland’s “Glad You Made It”

Listen to Chad Caroland’s latest song “Glad You Made It” HERE. partain

This past week, City Gallery’s resident singer-songwriter Chad Caroland found inspiration in the rich tradition of Sunday Suppers found in Indy’s urban neighborhoods. In the spirit of neighborliness, Caroland has added a musical element to the hospitable custom of Indy residents opening their homes and welcoming friends and neighbors in for a delicious meal.


“This song describes a host family inviting their guests in out of the cold on a Sunday evening,” Caroland said, “I wanted to write a song that simultaneously describes what the City Gallery is all about, and also the incredible hospitality I’ve experienced while living in downtown Indy. This song is also specifically inspired by a Sunday Supper I was invited to attend a few weeks ago. I had an awesome time, and I felt very welcomed into the Indy community as all of us packed ourselves into the kitchen while we ate together and watched the Colts play on TV.”

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Caroland’s song also creatively captures the essence of what the City Gallery’s City Suppers event held last November was all about. He paints a picture of a warm house with delicious food on a cold night in Indianapolis. As he sings you can almost see the warm light exuding from the windows as you approach the front door. You can almost hear the children rambunctiously playing together upstairs. You can almost taste that favorite dish on your tongue. It's a lovely picture indeed.

Take a listen to Caroland’s ode to the City Supper in downtown Indy. It may just inspire your neighborhood’s next Sunday Supper.