Mini Golf at the IMA
Get ready for another summer of mini golf at the IMA! There are so many amazing pieces on the course, including some by our very own artists here at the Harrison Center.Mark your calendars, Mini Golf at the IMA is returning this summer! This year’s installment will feature 18 holes. Some are returning champs, others are brand new, but they all revolve around life and nature. Hole themes range from African wildlife to single-celled organisms to volcanic explosions.
We are excited to announce that two Harrison Center artists will have holes at this year’s mini golf event. William Denton Ray has two holes featured. His returning mini golf hole is Cardinal 200, which might be the most Indiana thing that has ever existed. It’s a cardinal-racecar hybrid with a corn-on-the-cob crown. It is certainly a sight to behold. Ray’s new hole is Jungle PARadise, which houses all kinds of geometric, exotic animals including an elephant, a toucan, and a lion.
Harrison Center artist Quincy Owens is one half Owens + Crawley, whose hole 2058: The First Mini Golf Hole Without Ice will also be featured. Both Owens and his partner Luke Crawley were heavily influenced by climate change, so their multimedia icebergs will be center stage.
Come play this summer, and see each work of art for yourself. Members can start playing May 26th, but never fear, the course is open to all as soon as May 28th.