Moths Alight, Butterflies in Flight


This month in the Speck Gallery (formerly Gallery No. 2) you can experience Moths Alight, Butterflies in Flight by Allison Ford and Rachael Steely. Once you step inside the gallery you will be moved by the display of the duo's work, focused on movement and rest.

Ford is a studio artist at the Harrison Center who designs and makes jewelry. Wood is her preferred medium but she also incorporates silver and other natural materials into her work. For this show her subject matter was moths. Site specific to be exact, since all the moths depicted in her work can be found in Marion County. Ford is no stranger to making bugs. She got started shortly after making an Egyptian Collar which led her to create a scarab piece.  Allison fully immersed herself in this body of work, "It was unlike any of the other jewelry making, it was an awakening." she says.


Both bodies of work complement each other. Rachel Steely is very much about the capturing the movement of wings. She presents her subjects in dynamic still life with a shift of time through movement or growth. Steely has always been drawn to natural organic objects and portrays them with oil on textured surfaces. Her work in this show reveals patterns in movement and capture a truly spectacular view of  butterflies in flight.

See Moths Alight, Butterflies in Flight in the Speck Gallery through September 30.