New Work by Maureen Forman

in transit
in transit

In Transit

Throughout the warm month of June, artist Maureen Forman presents “New Work,” a show riddled with an approachable, and yet poetic character. “The work is mostly drawings in graphite and charcoal as well as two paintings in black and white acrylic,” Forman explained, “The images are a composite of elements of my daily life like a tea cup, a window, and a ceiling fan. All of the images are collaged together beforehand and then drawn as a cohesive image.”

Forman’s work carries a certain weight of influence, reminiscent of artists like Lois Dodd, Susan Jane Walp, and Anne Gale. “The work of these artists may seem very simple, but really they all use a lot of investigation in their practice,” Forman said. “Their work is less epic and more poetic. I aim to cultivate what they create so well. These are artists who never seem to be anything other than themselves in the work they create.”

too comfortable
too comfortable

Too Comfortable

Forman’s “New Work” is like a breath. It brings life to scenes of simplicity and it shows her viewers that even the most common subjects hold a wealth of complexity. It shows us that our everyday world, even the seemingly mundane, is worth more than passing glance. It’s meant for a lasting, and inquisitive gaze.