Porching in Brookside Neighborhood
The Brookside Neighborhood has embraced the Porch Party, and we are loving it! The Brooksider, a publication of the Brookside Neighborhood Association, recently wrote about the neighborhood's Porch Parties kick off. The first party of the season was advertised by neighbors going door to door along with invitations on the sidewalks with chalk. Neighbors gathered together for food & drinks, games and good conversation. The kids of Brookside are getting excited about the Porch Parties, too. They hosted a sno-cone and hot dog party. There was music and dancing and a lot of bubbles for the for the kids to play with. Neighbors who sign up to become Community Block Captains also get an opportunity to use the local popcorn popper or sno-cone machine for their parties!
The official city-wide Porch Party is this Sunday, July 10. Register here and send in a paragraph and photos from your party and you could receive a $25 gift card to a local restaurant!