Room by Room

Room by Room from Harrison Center for the Arts on Vimeo.

This week, videographer and HCA artist Asa Gauen, and City Gallery resident singer/songwriter Chad Caroland, have joined forces. Together, these two have engaged in a project documenting the more subtle characteristics of the notable spaces in the Harrison Center for the Arts. What does this mean exactly?

Check out what Caroland had to say:

'Sound is a crucial element of a space,' Caroland explained, 'Because of this, Asa and I wanted to capture what each space had to offer acoustically, by recording a different instrument in each space and then mixing them into a sort of Harrison Center symphony."

Gauen and Caroland now present a new element of our historic building in the Old Northside neighborhood that has, until now, gone undocumented. Hear the piano in the historic Presbyterian Church sanctuary echoing through its early 20th century rafters, and listen to the guitar riffing from the court to the bleachers, and back in our 1920s gymnasium. This is the Harrison Center via sound.