Spelunking for Songs, an Ode to the Sound Cave Place-Based ArtEmma HallMay 9, 2017Emma Hall, place-based music, Sound CaveComment
The Sounds of Seniors: Part Deux Blog, UncategorizedGuest UserApril 11, 2016herron high school, interns, Sound CaveComment
The Sounds of Seniors BlogGuest UserMarch 18, 2016herron high school, interns, place-based music, Sound CaveComment
Dreamscape Place-Based ArtHarrison CenterJanuary 15, 2016city gallery, place-based music, Rap, Sound Cave, urban indianapolis, urban indyComment
New space carved out for sound projects Art, Blog, City LifeGuest UserDecember 20, 2013Gallery No- 2, harrison center, harrison center for the arts, place-based art, place-based music, Sound CaveComment