Tinker Street


Photo courtesy of IUPUI University Library, Indianapolis Power and Light Distribution Company photographs owned by Dee Dee Davis

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Herron High School English teacher, Dave Pappas shared with us his ode to Tinker Street past and present. Enjoy!

Tinker Street

renamed by a number, relegated

to city slumber by prostitutes and paramours,

addicts and boards

over broken glass windows,

abandoned and lost

tossed like a regret you work hard to forget.

yet, it remained

like a relic emerging from a layer of earth

harbinger of rebirth

steps from where Presidents presided on stone porches and

artists wrestled with visions of grandeur until they were born

on canvas and wood

on Tinker Street.

Rescued by its name, prophetic


what had been paused; frozen – out of its place;

awakened, remembered, fixed – tinkered with

by denizens;



of a street that professes we are all

repairers, restorers, redeemers;

makers and teachers,

artists and preachers

announcing a gospel of


on Tinker Street.

© Dave Pappas, 2015