September 2013: In Your Own Backyard
The Harrison Center for the Arts kicked off the fall arts season with In Your Own Backyard. In the Harrison Gallery, Backyard Phenomena is an exhibit of paintings and sculptures by HCA studio artist Kyle Herrington that are "an attempt to replicate the imagined ruins left in the wake of unnecessary panic, terror and hopelessness. Twisting the notions of run-of-the-mill crises and nervous breakdowns into the context of a cataclysmic events allows these works to be both jokingly playful and deadly serious at the same time; much like the current perspective of my peers on their own self-imposed troubles and calamities." The Gallery Annex featured work by Tom Peck, Kimber Shaw, Hannah Burnworth and Jude Odell; Built, Building, Build - new work by Kathryn Barnes Dart in the City Gallery; the Bindery pop-up in Gallery No. 2 and new work by Kimber Capuchino in Hank & Dolly's Gallery.