Is There Nothing New Under the Sun


For the month of May, the Underground Gallery will exhibit a diverse range of artwork from 12 artists who have spent seven months studying the book of Ecclesiastes from the Hebrew Bible with IUPUI’s Religion, Spirituality, and the Arts program (RSA). The exhibit will include a variety of mediums, including painting, sculpture, creative writing, and digital art. 

RSA is a program hosted by Herron School of Art + Design that is open to the public and brings together 12 artists a year from multiple disciplines to participate in a seminar and critique with religious scholars and humanities experts to draw from religious text. Andy Findley, art historian and program manager, says that “the intent is to have a religious scholar present the text in its original context, then see how artists use that religious narrative or theme in expressions of their art. This process is a cultural exchange, a way to understand history and how to take and reshape and reinterpret classical text.” Findley runs the program alongside co-directors Dr. Marti Steussy and Karen Baldner. 


Findley describes the book of Ecclesiastes as a short, bewildering text with a dark and cynical tone. “We ask people to think of the unknowns and things that are beyond their control,” Says Findley. Some of the questions the seminar has raised are: “How do we find inspiration and purpose in the rise of disaster? How do we use art to dissect these concerns?”

Many of the responses to the text have honed in on themes of paradox, contradiction, and time. RSA hopes that this program will allow artists to grow in their discipline and community and offer the public a chance to engage with ancient texts in a new, engaging way.

The show can be viewed anytime in the Underground Gallery during the month of May during Gallery Hours: Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. The works can additionally be viewed and purchased on our online gallery through June.

Morgan Binkerd