IndyCar Power Couple: the Kimballs in the Old Northside
The Anti-Gentrification Project: PreEnactIndy
PreEnactIndyAmy Sheldrake Eddy16th Street, City Living, creative placemaking, Downtown Living, King Park Area, Monon 16, Neighborhoods, Pre-Enactment Theater, PreEnactIndy, Tinker Street, urban indianapolis, urban indy, Urban Renewal
Meet the Millers of Fall Creek Place
Growing up on "The Hill"
New Kid on the Block
Exhibit of the Moment, Place-Based ArtGuest UserBates-Hendricks, city gallery, City Living, Fountain Square, Great Places 2020, Kyle Ragsdale, place-based art, urban indianapolis, urban indy, Urban Living, Urban Renewal
Community Dreams
Regret, Nostalgia and Hope
More Monon 16 Memories
City LivingIsabelle Matthies, high school intern16th Street, City Living, creative placemaking, King Park Area, Monon 16, Neighborhoods, Pre-Enactment Theater, PreEnactIndy, Urban Renewal
The Saunders Family in Windsor Park, Near East Indy
Monon 16 Memories
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